When we arrived at the park, Julie talked through some of the rules with us and then we made our way to the story area.
Julie then explained our "hunting" kits. We had a white tray for slimy, slithery minibeasts, and jars to put in fast and flying minibeasts. We had a spoon to dig with and pick up little minibeasts so we didn't squash them. There was also a sheet with examples for us to look for.
Then it was time for us to get hunting in our groups.
Once we had looked in the bark area we moved over to the grassy part of the park, there were lots of flying minibeasts there.
Julie then brought round all of the insects and minibeasts for us to look at. We counted legs, antennae and wings!
It was time to make our clay minibeast after that.
We used leaves and twigs from the park to make legs, antennae and wings!