Tuesday 17 December 2013

Excited children...

In RRH we have been getting Christmassy this week. We've been writing Christmas present lists, decorating stockings and wrapping presents in our Santa's Grotto role play area.

Not to mention making special Christmas cards, the paintbrush really tickled on their feet but the children enjoyed making their footprints into Rudolf!

Thank you!

A great big thank you to all of you who came to watch our Nativity. We have really enjoyed perfecting it, and I think you'll agree that the children were fantastic. We were really proud of them and I don't think there were many dry eyes in the audience!

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Nearly Nativity time!

The festive season is getting closer and closer and Reception are really looking forward to it! We can't wait to show everyone how hard we have been working on our Nativity play - I am sure everyone will enjoy it.  It is on Tuesday 17th December. We welcome everyone into school at 9am, with refreshments and raffle prizes until 9:30am. Character photographs will also be on sale before the performance. Can't wait to see you there.

Reception Team

Superhero hideout!

RRH have been busy doing activities to do with superheroes. We have made comic strips, designed our own superhero and written postcards to superheroes. We had a visit from the Hulk, who left us some hulk rock to search for in our classroom. We had to find all numbers up to 20 - it was quite tricky! We then made some secret messages using wax candles and watery paint.

All of the children have enjoyed dressing up as superheroes in our new role play area - Superhero hideout! They have been getting calls on the superhero hotline and having to act quickly to rescue people!